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Motherhood should come with a manual.

So let's make it, together.

MotherPlan Manual

🌟 This is the masterplan for your motherhood journey!

Before the MotherPlan Manual, there were two opposing truths:
1. Motherhood should come with a manual

2. But every mother's experience is so vastly different, there's no way to make a manual that covers it all

After muddling through life & toddlerhood with my first kiddo, I knew we had to do something different, something better for mothers.

With a background in human development, a passion for making motherhood easier, and a knack for simplifying complicated concepts, I crafted this revolutionary guidebook. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all parenting advice – it's time to embrace your individuality and create a parenting approach that resonates with your values, beliefs, and aspirations.

Whether you're a first-time mom or a seasoned parent seeking fresh insights, this manual is your roadmap to motherhood.  🌟

The MotherPlan Manual will be available for $22, but everyone on the waitlist will get special access to a 50% off code!

Join the waitlist today for exclusive access->

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What's Included

Say goodbye to doubts and confusion, and hello to confidence and clarity as you embark on this transformative journey. Together, we'll unleash your inner parenting genius and nurture a family dynamic that's as extraordinary as you are.

  • 1 complete Notion Template
        (Not sure what Notion is? Check out the FAQs below!)
  • An easy-to-follow Instruction Manual with all the guidance needed
  • An entire sub-template for exploring you and your personality
  • An entire sub-template for exploring your kiddo's personality
  • A growing resource list with music, books, and printables
  • Everything you need to stop feeling stuck and confused about motherhood and start feeling confident, intuitive, and decisive (like the cool mom you really are!)
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Mothers Supporting Mothers

A portion of every sale from the MotherPlan is donated to Every Mother's Advocate, an organization that empowers moms in crisis to keep their family together.

Hi, I'm Misti!

Certified Courageous Living Life Coach with an M.Ed. in Counseling,
I've got a 3-year-old toddler grabbing at my legs and a calling towards the mystical & divine tugging at my soul.

Somewhere between the laundry basket of towels I need to fold,  play date scheduling, yet another Tuesday at a desk job, and the 2,307th time my husband has asked "What's for dinner?"
I realized that my life was miserably boring.

Worse than boring.... draining, depleting.
Moments of depression and migraines were becoming my normal.

I found myself staring out into space, wondering if I was living someone else life...
There's got to be more than this, right?

And I'm here to tell you, yes- there's so so so much more!

Weaving magic into the everyday mundane of our lives is surprisingly simple, and definitely worth it!

Because we, dear Mama, are worth it.

Motherhood can be easy, and even enchanting.

And it starts with having the right manual 🌟


What's a Notion Template?

Only the greatest organization invention ever! Notion is an online system, similar to (but oh so better than) Google Docs, to keep, track, organize and store all sorts of information.

It is THE perfect place for Home Management, Family Management, Meal Planning, Side Business Planning, and more! I personally use it for everything.

Star Your FREE Notion Account →

I'm a busy mom, will this take a lot of time?

I get it, life as a mom is busy! That's why the course and community of MamaCoven are accessible anywhere, anytime.
There are live Coven meetings every month, and I understand that you might not make it to every meeting. That's ok! Replays are available.

Our community and course material are available on a computer, tablet, or phone wherever you've got internet!

Is this only for a certain type of mom or family?

This is for ALL moms! Crunchy, Christian, Silky, Witchy, Montessori, Mormon, Wiccan, Home-schooling, Unschooling, and anyone planning to be a mom one day....
The Sacred Journey of Maiden to Matriarch is a set path. However, Motherhood is a unique spiritual journey, and we encourage you to use MamaCoven in what ever way is best for you.

What if I'd like more support?

First, congrats on being so very self-aware! Being a woman often means that we're raised to be nice and not needy (even though that obviously means we're missing out on what we need!).

So, yes! This is absolutely the right place to get the support you want and need. The MotherPlan will soon be available with a one-time Masterclass support option and a lifetime Community  support option.

Want in when these options open up? Click below!

I want this! →

Can you tell me more about Every Mother's Advocate?

Every Mother's Advocate, or EMA for short, is on a mission to create a  world where mothers are no longer separated from their children due to preventable causes, but are equipped and empowered to raise their children in stable and nurturing homes.

This is a cause that is personal to me. As a child, I spent time in foster care separated from my family. I know that if my mother had this support in the past, my story would have been different.

By creating and sharing the Mama Manual, and working with EMA, I'm hopeful that we empower mothers everywhere to write better stories for themselves and their families.

Mama, magic is waiting for you

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